Corporate Website Questionnaire Corporate Website Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name *Company's Name *Email Address *Phone No. (Preferably Whatsapp No.) *Business Address *Is this project for a new or you have an existing website? *NewExistingWhat Domain Name will you like to use for your website?Enter your existing website addressYour Preferred website plan/package *ClassicPremiumYour industry/company specialization? e.g Fashion, Construction, Technology etc. *Describe Your Company/Business in a few sentencesWhat are the Services You offer? (Enter one per line)What Makes Your business/products/services unique or separate you from your competition? (In few sentences)What is/are your underlying goal(s) for the website?Do you know of websites/companies (inside or outside your industry) that you will want your website to be like either in features, functions or design? List themWhat is/are your company’s colors? e.g Black and red etc. *Your office Business Hours (e.g Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm)Do you have specific audience you will like to target with your website? If yes. who are they and what are their demographics?Will you like to have secure branded email accounts? *YesNoAm not sureWhat will be your Customer Support Email Address?What will be your Customer Support Phone No.?Which of the following customer service features will you like to offer? *Email SupportPhone Support Whataspp Chat SupportDo you have a logo for your company? YesNoUpload your company logo Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Do you have the content ready for your site? *Yes, sureNo, not yetWill you like to have a blog on your website? *YesNoUndecidedDo you have Social Media account (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc) for your website/business? *YesNoEnter the address/url of your social media page (one per line)Submit Have a mission-critical problem that need solving? Let's Get to talk. Get in Touch